Kemonïk ONG

The example of change in Guatemala

years working
educationally suported minors
people benifited
youth trained in gender-based violence.

Imagine a world where solidarity and empathy
are the threads that weave society.

This world is more than a utopia; it is a reality that we have been creating at Kemonïk NGO since 2017. An organisation that challenges established conventions, showing that it is possible to work in a different way and transform the social reality of families who have survived gender-based violence in Guatemala.

At the heart of our mission lies the conviction that actively listening to our counterparts and responding to their real needs is fundamental. fundamental. It is not about imposing solutions from a Eurocentric perspective, but empowering people to define their own path to healing and transformation.

“I am very happy with the Kemonïk NGO project because I can share with other mothers who are in the same situation as me, sharing experiences, keeping each other company, and feeling that we are not alone”,

Luisa, survivor

“I am very happy with the Kemonïk NGO project because I can share with other mothers who are in the same situation as me, sharing experiences, keeping each other company, and feeling that we are not alone”,

Luisa, survivor

gender equality and education projects
volunteers involved
strategic alliances established

The name “Kemonïk”, which means ‘weaving’ in Maya Kaqchikel, embodies our vision of a society woven with threads of diversity and collaboration.

It honors indigenous and diverse women who, through weaving and craftsmanship, not only survive but also preserve the essence of their culture and traditions.

El viaje emprendido en 2017 está siendo un testimonio de la capacidad transformadora de la solidaridad demostrando que hacer diferente es posible. Every day, we come closer to a world where everyone can live free from violence.

Join the change!
